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Application and Characteristic Analysis of Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium Targets in thin Film or Sample Preparation (Based on VPI SD-900M Coater)

Tingting Z

Aug 22, 2024

In the field of modern materials science and nanotechnology, the sample preparation technology of thin films has become a key research topic. These thin film materials are widely used in electronic devices, optical devices, biosensors, catalysts and other fields. In order to obtain films with excellent properties in various applications, it is essential to select the appropriate target material and use high-performance coating equipment. This article will describe in detail the application of gold (Au), silver (Ag), platinum (Pt), and gold palladium (Au/Pd) targets in VPI's SD-900M model coators and their differences in sample preparation.

In the field of modern materials science and nanotechnology, the sample preparation technology of thin films has become a key research topic. These thin film materials are widely used in electronic devices, optical devices, biosensors, catalysts and other fields. In order to obtain films with excellent properties in various applications, it is essential to select the appropriate target material and use high-performance coating equipment. This article will describe in detail the application of gold (Au), silver (Ag), platinum (Pt), and gold palladium (Au/Pd) targets in VPI's SD-900M model coators and their differences in sample preparation.


VPI SD-900M Coater

The SD-900M Deposition machine produced by Vision Precision Instruments (VPI) is a high-precision, multi-functional Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) device primarily used in sputtering deposition technology. The instrument can effectively transfer energy to the target in a vacuum environment, so that its atoms or molecules are removed from the surface of the target and deposited on the sample substrate to form a uniform film.


The SD-900M has the following key features:

1.       Vacuum environment: it can achieve the vacuum state required for sample preparation, reduce the influence of impurities on the quality of the film, and ensure the purity of the film.


2.      Multi-target configuration: compatible with different targets for choice and replacement.


3.      Precise manual control system: can control deposition rate, current, vacuum and other parameters to ensure the uniformity and consistency of the film.


4. Flexibility: suitable for coating a variety of materials, including metals, alloys, semiconductor materials, etc., widely used in scientific research and industrial production.


Application and characteristics of gold (Au) target material

Gold targets have a wide range of applications in the coating process, thanks to the excellent physical and chemical properties of gold. Gold is a highly conductive, chemically inert and biocompatible metal that performs well in many fields with high precision and special requirements.


The application of gold targets

Electronic devices: Gold has extremely high electrical conductivity and is one of the indispensable materials in microelectronic devices. It is often used in the preparation of electrodes, contact points and conductive paths. These films can play a key role in semiconductor devices, such as gold interconnects in integrated circuits.


Biosensors: Because of its chemical stability and biocompatibility, gold is widely used in the preparation of biosensors. For example, in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), gold film, as the substrate material, can greatly enhance the Raman signal of molecules and improve the detection sensitivity.


Optical devices: The high reflectivity of gold makes it an ideal material for optical devices, especially in the infrared band. Gold films are often used in mirrors, filters, and other optical components.


Properties of gold targets

High electrical conductivity: Gold is one of the most electrically conductive materials of all metals and is suitable for applications where highly conductive films are required.


Chemical stability: Gold is not easy to react with other substances, and can maintain stable performance in harsh environments for a long time.


Biocompatibility: Gold is non-toxic and harmless to living organisms, and is suitable for biomedical applications.



The application and characteristics of silver (Ag) targets

Silver targets are known for their excellent electrical conductivity and optical properties in film preparation. Although silver is relatively easy to oxidize, its special physical properties still make it important in many critical applications.


Applications of silver targets

Highly reflective mirror: Silver has excellent light reflectivity, especially in the visible light band, and its reflectivity is much higher than other metals. For this reason, silver films are often used to make highly efficient mirrors and optics.


Conductive film: In electrical and electronic applications, silver films are widely used to make conductive layers, such as in touch screens, capacitors and conductive tapes, where the excellent conductivity of silver ensures high performance of devices.


Antibacterial coatings: Silver's antibacterial properties make it ideal for medical devices and surface coatings that effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria and are widely used in healthcare.


Properties of silver targets

Highest electrical conductivity: Silver is the most electrically conductive material of any known metal, which makes it the first choice for highly conductive applications.


High reflectivity: Silver has a very high reflectivity in the visible light range, making it ideal for making mirrors.


Easy oxidation: Silver easily forms an oxide layer in air, and although this layer of silver oxide film still has some electrical conductivity, measures may need to be taken to prevent oxidation in some applications.


The application and characteristics of platinum (Pt) targets

Platinum targets are known for their excellent corrosion resistance, high temperature stability, and catalytic properties. These properties make platinum an irreplaceable material in many industrial and scientific applications.


The application of platinum targets

High temperature electrodes: Platinum is able to remain stable at high temperatures and not corrode, so it is often used to make electrodes in high temperature environments, such as in electrolyzers or fuel cells.


Catalyst: The surface of platinum has high catalytic activity and is widely used in automobile exhaust purifiers, chemical reactors and fuel cells to accelerate chemical reactions.


Sensor: Platinum film has been widely used in temperature sensors because of its stable resistivity and high temperature stability.


Characteristics of platinum targets

Corrosion resistance: Platinum resists the corrosion of most chemicals and is suitable for use in extreme environments.


High temperature stability: Platinum can maintain excellent physical and chemical properties at high temperatures and is not prone to oxidation or deterioration.


Catalytic activity: Platinum has extremely high catalytic activity, especially in the REDOX reaction.



Application and properties of gold-palladium (Au/Pd) targets

Au/PD target is an alloy target that combines the excellent properties of gold and palladium with high electrical conductivity, corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties. It is widely used in demanding electronic devices and sensors.


The application of gold and palladium targets

High reliability electrical contact: gold-palladium alloys are often used to make highly reliable electrical contact materials, such as contacts in connectors, switches and relays, due to their good electrical conductivity and wear resistance.


Catalyst: Palladium alloy has a high surface activity and can be used as a catalyst material for catalytic reactions, hydrogenation reactions, and fuel cells.


Corrosion-resistant electronics: Palladium films are widely used in electronic devices that require corrosion resistance and high durability, such as sensors and circuit boards that operate in corrosive environments.



Properties of gold-palladium targets

Combining the advantages of gold and palladium: gold-palladium alloys have both the good electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance of gold, and the high catalytic activity and mechanical strength of palladium.


Excellent corrosion resistance: The gold-palladium alloy is able to maintain stability in harsh chemical environments and is suitable for use under harsh conditions.


Good mechanical properties: Compared to pure gold or palladium, palladium alloys exhibit better wear resistance and hardness, making them more suitable for applications in high-wear environments.



Target selection considerations


When using a VPI SD-900M model coater for film preparation, it is crucial to select the right target. The choice of target not only affects the physical and chemical properties of the film, but also determines its performance and life in practical applications. When choosing a target, there are several key factors to consider:


1. Application requirements: According to the use of the film in the final product, determine the required characteristics (such as electrical conductivity, corrosion resistance, catalytic activity, etc.), so as to select the corresponding target.


2. Physical and chemical properties of the target: the melting point of the target, chemical stability, adhesion with the substrate and other characteristics will directly affect the quality and uniformity of the film.


3. Cost and machinability: the cost of different targets varies greatly, and the processing difficulty is also different. When considering cost effectiveness, it is necessary to weigh the relationship between performance and cost.


4. Equipment compatibility: Ensure that the selected target is compatible with the working parameters of the coating equipment (such as power, temperature, etc.) to avoid process problems caused by equipment mismatch.





In modern science and industry, the importance of thin film technology is becoming increasingly prominent. Through high-precision equipment such as VPI SD-900M model coators, targets such as gold (Au), silver (Ag), platinum (Pt) and gold palladium (Au/Pd) can be applied in various fields to prepare thin film materials with specific functions and excellent properties.


Gold target: Because of its high electrical conductivity and chemical stability, it is suitable for application in electronic devices and biosensors.


Silver target: Excellent performance in optical devices and conductive films due to its excellent electrical conductivity and reflection.


Platinum target: With its corrosion resistance and catalytic properties, it has a unique advantage in the field of high-temperature electrodes and catalysts.


Gold/palladium targets: By combining the advantages of gold and palladium, a wide range of applications have been found in demanding electrical contact materials and corrosion-resistant electronics.


When selecting and using these targets, researchers and engineers need to consider the application requirements, material characteristics and equipment conditions in a comprehensive way to ensure that the final film material with the best performance is obtained. With the advancement of technology, more kinds of targets and more advanced coating equipment will be put into use in the future, further promoting the development and application of thin film technology.

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